WALT:write effective paragraphs using juicy and exciting Words
If i was to have a superpower it would be highly ultimate speed. Why because i like sports and it might be good for sports like rugby, league and other sports that includes a oval or a round shaped ball. I would probably accelerate through the whole team. Read on to find out more about my super speed power that’s good for sports and running away from trouble at school just joking.
My power is highly extreme speed it would be good for washing the dishes and doing the chores and other things to help out around the house. My powers would look like a blink of an eye. My fantastic super powers would fell like wind and a air mixed together. Can you imagine you having the same power as me WOW.
Rubric Marked by Alfa.
I think having this super power is unbelievable. If you had this superpower would you think this is cool or would you think that it’s not that good. I think having highly super speed that would be good for sports players that's why i picked this super power. If you liked my writing please comment to me on my blog post at the bottom thanks for reading.
We wrote together in silents for about 10-13 minutes After writing we recrafted someone elses writing. In between writing our paraghraphs we paired up with a partner and marked each other work. We learn't to write effective paraghraps by checking it with a partner. We also learn't to use juicy words checking with a partner. We learn't to write effective paraghraphs using juicy words.
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